Jacob Larssen Digre

1811-1891 Jakob Larssen Digre + Anna Christine Dahl (1823-1901), married 1843

[PICTURE :1881, Jakob, with his oldest and youngest son]

Collection of old pictures related to Jacob Larssen Digre. Some unidentified.



Marith Digre:

Ludvig Bernhard Digre

1846-1902 Ludvig Bernhard Digre + Glenorchy Olsen (1849-), married 1873

Collection of old pictures related to Ludvig Digre. Some unidentified.




Johan Petter Digre

1844-1886 Johan Petter Digre + Ingeborg Anna Olsen (1848-)

Collection of old pictures related to Johan Petter Digre. Some unidentified.




Connecting family trees:

Glenorchy Olsen (1849-)









For Personal use only

Oppgjør boet fant sted 20.02.1922, Trondhjem. av 1922 Jakob A Digre

Deretter til fordeling (31.000)

Nevnt i Johannes Digre's testamente 1917

80.000 fordeles på

8 stk damer 5.000 hver

1000 kr på

+20000 aldershjemmet

+2000 Birger, Per og Leif.